How I Work With My Soul

As we move to co-creation, we have a choice – we get to create our life with our Soul.

I don’t believe all the details of all Soul contracts are “made pre-birth”.  I believe that many details are constructed moment to moment.

The Soul “contract”: A coordination between our divinity (Soul) or God and the human beings that we are.

Once we become awake and aware, and connected with our Soul, or living in alignment with divine principles (to the best of our ability – we are human, after all), I believe we gain the authority to live and choose hand in hand with our Soul’s choices.

In our linear world, explaining that the Soul contract happens pre-birth makes great sense to human beings, on a linear timeline.

But this is not how Soul operates, from my experience and remembering.

And once we are conscious human beings, and communicating with our Soul – Higher Self – God – however a person refers to this energy – this is when – now, life is a construction of both, together.

Meaning, I get to make choices.

We steer the boat, together.

Yes, I surrender my will to divine will.  I do this through trust, and with faith.

But who is living this Earth experience?

Who knows what it is really like, down here?

I do.

And my Soul respects my opinion, my insights, my observations, as a living incarnate human being – incarnate because Soul fuels my life force.

So I frame my co-creation with my Soul as being “in my highest good” – I release all to Soul so that as we co-create together, I know that what transpires in my choices is in my highest good in alignment with my Soul plan.

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