Running Your Business Amidst a Revolution in Consciousness

I feel there is a quiet revolution occurring, in business, and it is occurring in business because it is occurring in people’s lives.

It is one of those ground-up revolutions.  And ground-up revolutions cannot be controlled.  They pour forth, out of the souls of humanity.

Ground-up revolutions are the ones that business has to shift for, instead of the usual promoting and advertising and leading people along, to a product or service.

This new revolution demands that business adapt to grow, that they shift to expand, that they implement instead of side step; that they merge with the revolutionary concepts to become…something new.

In a ground swell that begins as drops, and forms and pours forth like a tsunami, businesses that adapt, shift, expand, implement, merge and evolve, benefit greatly.

It is a revolution in consciousness, and in awareness, by the general population.

If you are already involved in doing business consciously, whether as an entrepreneur, or in an independent practice like coaching, you are uniquely positioned to lead in this shift.

People are Becoming More Conscious, in Surprising Ways

People are becoming more conscious from within and without, in behavior and attitudes, and thus our interactions with business and our attitudes while working are undergoing massive change.

While technology informs our ability to know more knowledge, new, quantum-based tools and skill sets are proliferating in this environment.  These allow us to know more from within.  This inner knowing is akin to an inner wisdom, flowing from the well spring of our heart and fueled by spirit.

When I say quantum, I do mean in alignment with the physics of how things operate.  When tool sets and business practices are in alignment with how the physics works, and specifically, how quantum physics works, their effect is powerful and life-changing.

This is because quantum based tool sets are able to adjust the very smallest particles of energy within, and this is mirrored without.  Thus a small shift, within, by using conscious language for example, creates a huge shift in our outward lives that can manifest in stunning ways.

People are Becoming More Aware, Than Ever Before

People are becoming more aware, than ever before, of the forces moving in the world around them, and of what’s behind the dynamics of their homes and lives.  Thus their expectations of what businesses should offer, and do offer, and their attitudes about receiving and contributing while working are undergoing massive change.

This new awareness informs expectations that businesses can respond to, and it can create massive opportunity for those of us willing to be conscious leaders.  And, this is leadership in the most tangible way possible – leadership through living the qualities that we are evoking.

Again, this is the physics behind quantum tool sets, and behind conscious awareness.  Energy in motion is always in motion.  Energy is never destroyed, but it can transmute form.  When we are being what we are advocating, when we walk our talk, we emanate this energy into the ethers around us and beyond.  This energy is a frequency that creates a resonance with those who are aligned – including prospective friends and clients.

This is why opt-in matters as we look towards building relationships with those we may work with.  When we allow potential clients to get to know who we really are, and to opt-in to getting to know us further, this is a way of building connections of alignment – with people who are resonating with the work we do.  And more deeply, we are building relationships with those who resonate with who we are as human beings.

I Know Who I AM

The increases in consciousness and awareness are occurring in all ages of the population.

Take the millennials, our younger generation of teens and twenties, who are not going to buy products that they see as harmful to the environment, and who are demanding working conditions that adjust to their personal requirements.

Even pre-teens can go on YouTube or other social media, and are aware of and knowledgeable of forces effecting them that previous generations were not aware of, such as the influence of advertising, images and language intent on effecting their thoughts and actions.

The younger generations have an almost innate ability to know when an energy is dissonant.  Whether this is the way they are approached for their business, or what the business is about, they can sense inauthenticity immediately.  And they vote with their foot traffic and their ‘likes’.

Businesses of all kinds, entrepreneurs, and executives are looking to deepen their skill sets and gain an understanding of how to strengthen themselves competitively in this environment.  And this is the thing – gaining a competitive edge is no longer the advantage.

Knowing who I AM, is.

Those who are able to express their true self and authentic nature will be able to transmit that resonant frequency to draw in aligned work opportunities, and aligned clients.

And importantly, when I Am acting in alignment with my true nature, when I Am choosing alignment with my soul, then I come together with those doing the same to do work, together.  There is no more competitive edge in this new paradigm.  But there is collaboration with like-minded souls.  Or, should I say, there is collaboration with human beings doing their best to act, think, do and be in alignment with heart.

Conscious Leadership Recognizes the Authority of the Self

Thus as we start to live an awakened life, and we translate this to how we do business in the world, we step up in our lives and our activities to become self-aware and self-responsible.

Conscious business:  it’s going to take practice, over and over, but each one of us are the leading edge of the consciousness movement in action day to day, and the best part is, we get to do this together.

Leadership is often thought of as a singular way of being.  We have been taught this through our hierarchical and pyramidal systems of organization and control.

But conscious leadership recognizes the authority of the Self.  It is about acknowledging the sovereignty and wholeness of the highest version of Self that we are.  It’s very fun and gratifying to then working with others who are at this level of understanding, also.  In this place of consciousness, we are all leaders – of our Selves.  We can then choose how we wish to function in an organization.

We treat our clients in this manner also, and if we are coaches, we attract those who desire to move to this level of authenticity.

The new organizational system is going to be more like a round table, or a sphere of influence that emanates outward.

I Am a Conscious Leader.  And so are You.

The world will benefit from conscious leaders on all levels, in all activities, in all nations.  Some greater portion of our population of 7 billion human beings are awakening, and with this awakening in consciousness, new structures will emerge.

Yet while we know the world is changing, conscious change begins at the quantum level – in the smallest version.  In the case of conscious business, this is at the grass roots level of society – change starts with the individual, and then we take this to our communities through our personal interactions and our business practices.

It behooves those of us practicing conscious business to know that we are on the leading edge of change, for ourselves and for our communities.  But, rather than telling others what to do, people will draw to us because they will wish to learn what we are doing through our example.  Our state of being is attractive to others.  In a way, there is nothing to sell until we know who we are.

At this state of Self-mastery, we are able to fully be present and fulfill our soul purpose.  And we are able to be a guide to others fulfilling or finding theirs.

By Susan Lacerra

Business. Physics.  ◊   Conscious.  Business.

© 2016 Susan V. Lacerra.  All Rights Reserved.
 Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos (if photos are in the repost), and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. Contact the author at Twitter handle is @SusanInspired.

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