Clarity, Conscious Choices, Sun, Self Personal Energy Management: Living and Working Each Day With the Ability to Make Conscious Choices

This article is the first in a series on Personal Energy Management, or Energy Field Management.  I deeply care about this topic, because, when I began my journey into living with awareness, and making conscious choices, learning about my personal energy and my personal energy field gave me the understanding to change my life.

I’d like to share this information with you, to share the toolsets I discovered, so that you can change yours, also; so you can get into alignment with your heart and your soul, so that you can life the life you have imagined, so that you can manifest your dreams, and your visions.

This is what I am doing.  This is how I am living my life.  It isn’t necessarily the easiest path, either, despite that lovely description I just wrote of living the life you have imagined.

If what I have to say resonates with you, then what I share may be of service to you.  And if not, there are many paths up the mountain.

For me, shifting to conscious awareness and to making conscious choices is something I live and work at  everyday, because I have made the commitment to change my life, to truly live life, and while I do get moments of sheer gratitude, and awe, a whole lot of work and a whole lot of conscious focusing goes into creating life in this way.

But, it is worth it.  I am worth it.

Personal Energy Management Starts With a Whole Lot of Love

Most of all, a whole lot of love, first for myself, and for all else, and everyone else, in my life, has been of absolute importance.

In my view, making conscious choices springs from living life from a heart-based perspective of loving all of my pre-existing choices, first.

Living life with awareness springs from a heart-based perspective of loving all my past choices, and integrating all my past ways of being, in way that makes them all okay, whatever these choices have been, in a way that loves who I have been, where I have been, all I have been.

And I keep going.

This means letting go of that which no longer serves my being, with a blessing and with love, and remembering who I am.  Remembering who I am means connecting with the essence of myself; with the soul’s frequencies pouring through my body.

Why Do We Start With Love For Ourselves?

I’m going to say what is an advanced concept – and it took me years to make this leap in thinking:

Until I accept and love myself, absolutely fully, we tend to perceive that Personal Energy Field Management is all about others.

What this means, is the following:  managing my energy field is all about who sent me an energy attack, and how do I clear it?  It is all about criticism of others’ behavior, and about blame of others’ behavior.  It is about perceiving ourselves in victimhood, or martyr-hood.

It may feel very direct to take this approach.  But, it’s really not, if I choose to live myself consciously, and with as much self-awareness as I can muster… I mean, MASTER, lol.

Taking Self-Responsibility for All Choices:  the Key to Personal Sovereignty

Understanding that all activities spring from choices I have equally participated in, consciously or unconsciously, is the key to my freedom.

This is a core concept of Personal Energy Management.  This is the key to trusting the flow of my life:  Knowing that nothing that happens is beyond what you have chosen to experience, at a conscious level, or at an unconscious level.

And I am talking – nothing.  Not the most wonderful things.  Not the most awful thing you have ever experienced.

I mean it – and I am talking about the terrible, terrible stuff also.

Accepting all as part of the life choices I have made on my path, and from a higher perspective, that my Soul wished for me to experience, or allowed me to experience as part of my learning or evolving – this is what has freed me to take control of my life and to take responsibility for who I am and what I have done, for what has happened to me and for what I have participated in, now and all ways.

Accepting Choices Allows Us to Begin Clearing Our Field

Accepting all of my choices, has been the key to freedom.  This is because it allows me to begin to unwind energy loops in my field; both thought loops, and emotional looping.

Looping are sequences of thoughts and emotions that loop over and over again in the mind, body, and energy field, as if the electrical system of the body has short circuited.

Acceptance of all that has happened to us, unconditionally, meaning, for whatever reason, allows the mind the safety to begin unwinding these loops.

Energy loops in the field, of thought or emotion, ultimately are in our field as a protection.  They keep us from processing experiences until we are ready to “let go” of the loop, which essentially covers the core thought or emotion at the center of each experience.

The reason this approach is the key to freedom, is that it allows us to begin truly clearing our energy field and our body’s energy.  We then do this through self-compassion, self-love, self-acceptance, self-nurturing…. and through energy field maintenance.

Getting clear is key to moving forward, and getting clear facilitates the core of Personal Energy Management:  choosing and setting the parameters of what we will accept in our energy field, going forward.

Accepting Our Choices as the First Step Towards Fully Living Life

Taking self-responsibility for my choices has unlocked my ability to live, consciously.  It isn’t easy at first, but the rewards are that we get our life back; we get to the essence of who we truly are, and then we get to live this, if this is our chosen path.

And I mean, I accept these choices, in my life, with compassion for myself, with love pouring out of my heart for me from my Higher Self, with deep forgiveness for what I have done in an unconscious state, with deep acceptance of what has happened to me living in a deeply dense environment.

But, all of these experiences, all of these choices, has made me who I AM, today.

And for this, I am grateful.

I am grateful to me.

~ Susan V Lacerra

Personal Energy Management - Energy Field - Susan V Lacerra

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July 21, 2017

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