This Morning’s Soul Message

This morning I received a strong message, and feeling.  I was seeing a vision of the ascension of the frequencies of this planet.

That means, all of humanity undergoing a spiritual maturation, together.  We are moving towards being more conscious, more aware, more expanded, more healed as a population.

What I saw was that everyone who wants to participate in this ascension, everyone who wants to come, is coming by a miracle of Divine Grace.

Clearly when we look at recent world events, the question of how our entire race can spiritually mature together seems in question:

Will our people (humanity) be able to mature enough to raise our frequencies to the frequencies of peace?

By doing so on a daily basis, we can really live “love your neighbor as your self”, meaning… love your Self, then, love your neighbor THAT MUCH also.

No One Will Be Left Behind

So it was this question, this fear, of “being left behind” that came to me strongly. With it came a feeling of anxiety, of the question of personal success, of “will I make it?“.

The political and world situation, the fear mongering in the news, and the shouting about dangers from the rooftops, seems to have effected me, even though I pride myself for not consciously engaging with this energy.

I admit that I feel more fear about “the future” at the start of this year (2017) than I can remember for a long time.  It is almost like it has been concocted for me to brew in, and offering to me in a warm steaming cup of fear and anxiety about life and the world.  “Here, drink this, you’ll feel so much like everyone else.”

Claiming Our Self-Responsibility Strengthens Us

If someone else is causing us fear, then we do not have to look at our responsibility in the situation at all.  Yet, looking within and claiming our sovereignty over our lives and daily choices, although it can be challenging to accept the choices we have made, becomes a most freeing aspect of spiritual growth.

I think the “new year” energy also feeds into our goal oriented, list-making society.  It is easy to feel we are ‘running to catch up’ to your annual goals, that you may not even have set yet, or begun implementing.

So, what came to me strongly about fear, anxiety, being left behind, and worry over being able to achieve our goals is this:  this is all an illusion, and it is not real.  What this is, is an offer for us to review this question for ourselves:

Will we accept fear and anxiety, again, and live with it all year?  Or, will we move to a new place, within?

Will we break the mold, this year?  Will we step out of the box set up for us to operate within?  And – how has that been working for you?

What if We Started the New Year with a Heart Focus?

Can we imagine moving to a place of love, in our hearts?  What if every day was like this – feeling loved, joy in living, loving yourself, living a good life.  And, what will my choices look like to bring this about in my life?

This is what I choose to imagine, this year.  This is how I choose to be – a conscious creator of my life.

Can humanity as a whole have this experience?  Can we live in peace and love and abundance, and honor and respect each other?

What I intuited is this – every soul who desires to come along, every soul who desires to walk this path, will do so.  It will be a miracle of Divine Grace.

Winter is a Time for Patience; According to Nature’s Cycles, New Year’s Starts in the Spring

I have been informed by several dear friends, who are close to the rhythms of Gaia, that this isn’t even “new year’s.”  This is an artificially created holiday, an artificially created time of “starting”.  This is because the “new year” from a seasonal perspective starts at the March equinox – think Easter and chicks hatching, seeds sprouting.

So this is winter, and a time of loving on the seeds that are buried in the ground.  Pushing against the seasons burns our energy, needlessly.  It’s a time of dreaming as our energies experience a seasonal low, of nourishing our hopes for the future, and our dreams for what is to come.

But, this is not the time to roll these out.

Aligning with seasonal rhythms is a way to feel more in tune, more aligned with the natural world around us.

This is a way of understanding why we may be feeling more like hibernating than like launching the new.  Preparing the new?  Absolutely.  Dreaming of what will be?  Yes.  Taking slow, deliberate steps in the direction of your dreams? Yay!  We may be getting more done than we realize.

This is the message I wish to relay today:  we are going to be okay.

All Who Wish to Will Walk With Us on This Path

As we step into the new – as we do our personal work and our personal healing and move forward in our lives, all who wish to participate in the ascension of the planet’s frequencies, and the ascension of humanity’s frequencies, are coming with us.

We are doing this, together.   By a miracle of Divine Grace.  This was my morning message.

It may look messy now – but worry not.  We’re okay.  We deserve to be here.  We deserve to be doing just fine.  And, the rest of humanity deserves to be just fine also.

We have been taught that resources and quantities are limited – that there is only so much to go around.  When we are on a spiritual path, we begin to see the falseness of this story.

It’s okay if all of us are just fine.  There don’t have to be winners and losers in the game of spirit.  There is just… being who you are, loving who you are.  It isn’t an easy path, but it is a satisfying one.

I Woke With Expectation, and this Turned to Awe

Today when I woke, I had a feeling of “all will be coming along” – that is, all who wish to join us in this ascension path, all souls whose desire it is to take part, will be allowed to do so as an act of divine grace, as a miracle of love.

No one will be, or is ever, left behind.

I began to see the miracle of this – that God, that our Souls, are able to create miracles for a with us that seem beyond our reach from a simple human perspective.

There is enough for everyone.  Enough time, enough resources, enough caring, enough love.

How would our world change, how would our lives change, if we could make the leap of faith to accept this as true?

And, knowing this is true, how would we restructure our society, the way we treat each other, the way we do business?

What if we dream on this, this winter?  What if we nurture these seeds through the winter storms?

If we do, if we can make this leap of faith, then my soul tells me, the possibilities for our lives and our world are limitless.

And miracles await.


© 2016 Susan V. Lacerra.  All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos (if photos are in the repost), and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. Contact the author at Twitter handle is @SusanInspired.

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