Walk Free, Wolf, Woman

Inspired Musings

This beautiful prose ‘Walk Free’, came to me so clearly as I sat alone and pondering over what has been, and over what may be. 

Life carries on and all along, we make choices. In time, we get to review what we have done, what we have created, and what our experiences have been.

Some situations are joyous and easy, and some are challenging and difficult. It is the joyous times that give breath to life and flow easily, in grace and with laughter. It is the challenging times that show us our true character and hopefully, show us with pride what we have done, or chosen not to do.

It is the grays in the middle, where we judge ourselves, or try to hang on to the past; where we feel uncertain over what we’ve done, or simply don’t like the outcome, that entangle us in polarity for as long as we choose to hold on.

It’s up to us to determine whether and when to walk free. In doing so, we let our spirit soar, we live our truth unhindered. We know that all is well with every  outcome, because this is all it ever could be for the eternal Soul that is our true nature.

Walk Free

Words cannot undo

What has been done


Actions, taken

Reveal our character

Or lead to our undoing


Words cannot undo

The shouts in the darkness

The pain of betrayal


The wounds of omission

Hopes left dashed 

The terrible choices


We live 

With the consequences

Of what we’ve done


For better, or worse

Doesn’t matter

What is done, is done


Judgement or not, 

The piercing eyes of Truth

Know our deeds


Letting go, or hanging on

Like a dog with a bone

Eternally gnawing 


Whether we let go, 

or continue the argument


Determines whether we are a prisoner

Or, whether we walk free.

~ Susan V Lacerra


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Image Credit – Woman with wolf from Pixabay by BlackDog1966.


© 2020 Susan Lacerra. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted, in part or in whole, without alteration and with the author’s credit and live website link included. This article was first published on December 27, 2020 at https://susanlacerra.com/inspired-musings-walk-free.  

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