Schumann Resonance August 5 Full Moon, Red Star, Why You Can’t Get Along With People Right Now
Schumann Resonance and Inspired Energy This discusses the Schumann Resonance energy trends before and after the full moon on August [...]
Schumann Resonance and Inspired Energy This discusses the Schumann Resonance energy trends before and after the full moon on August [...]
This is a new series I'm starting that will become a big part of my blog going forward. That is, [...]
Schumann Resonance July 31 - A RESET, Anti-Viral Software Installed, the Soul Remembers You, Divine Intercedence Wow! A Curtain opens [...]
Essential Soul Where has the time gone, the years gone, the days? Each night we sit by the fire [...]
So much to discuss here today! Schumann Resonance July 30 2020 Whoa! Technological Effect, Double Wave - Wings [...]
Schumann Resonance & Inspired Energy Schumann Resonance: July 28 2020 Chart and Numbers Review, Line of Resonance to 40 Hertz [...]
Schumann Resonance and Inspired Energy 0-10 minutes: Includes a discussion of how we create first in energy and then this [...]
Wow big waves of light in the Schumann Resonance at the New Moon July 20, 2020. Great discussion on all [...]
Merging With My Higher Self Lately I have been making another round of changes in my life. On the path [...]
Schumann Energy July 17 Arch in the Chart, Solar Flare Arch, CME in Geomagnetics, Closing Portals of Anger and Fear [...]