As we move forward on the spiritual path, it is important to remember that in the energy world, permission is everything.

The Truth of the truth in this universe is that nothing happens without our permission, whether implied or stated, and this can be very frustrating until we take personal responsibility for our lives and state our permissions clearly.

News of the World

Recently, I have seen an increasing amount of discussion about dark situations, rituals and energy attacks, and many are frightened that they are being targeted or effected by these events. They feel a strong aversion to the information and want to do something to stop these situations so that they no longer occur and so everyone can proceed orderly along the pathway to the light.

First, unless the example is specifically personal, I would ask who it serves for that information to flow into our personal realms? In reading that information, do our hearts stay open or do they close?

In reading that information, do we spin into fear and feed the energy behind the information a big dose of our own personal energy?

Asking Intuitive Questions

I always ask this question whenever I am presented with information that is dramatic or fear-based in nature. Who does this serve? Who am I feeding if I interact with this energy?

It is usually pretty easy to determine, and as we build our intuition and discernment our ability to see who is served is almost instantaneous.

We can also sit with the information and ask our innate body intuition if this information is for us and our soul path or not. The heart is rather clear in these matters when interpreting information: Heart open and joyful is generally a yes, heart closed or in fear, generally no.

To Feed or Not to Feed

Here is the thing though. We can choose to feed the information, energy or experience, or not. In it’s presentation to us, an indirect request has been made to us. Here I am: FEED ME, and we can absolutely choose not to give permission.

Whenever I encounter these types of messages, I simply open my heart more and offer the opposite vibration for the highest good of all beings in alignment with divine will and the free will choice of the higher soul collective.

I am not directing the energy, or commanding the energy to do anything. I am simply sharing it from my heart by my own personal choice. I am offering an invitation to the situation or being to take up the energy I am sharing for its use, should it be in alignment with their soul path, or the collective choice of the group energy of the situation.

I get to choose, as a sovereign being, where my energy goes and where it does not go. Just because something is occurring on this plane, does not mean that I have to accept that energy into my field.

If someone is allergic to shellfish, and they know that eating that shellfish will cause them great distress and even death, they don’t force themselves to eat it simply because it is food. It is the same thing with information, activity and energy.

Our Human and Energetic Diversity

We all have different energetic set ups and different soul paths. This is what makes us unique and how our special energy adds to the beautiful tapestry of the whole. We didn’t come here to all be the same, experience the same things and do the same work. We came to experience a wide variety of things and report back to the universe from our own unique perspective.

Collectively, it is all experienced and this information is then available to the whole. This is how wisdom is born, and we all have the ability to dip into this vast well through our innate intuition.

This is how we know what is correct and true for our soul path, and what is not. When we listen to our hearts, and not the insistence of others who seek to influence our path, it all becomes very clear.

I would also note that it serves the control paradigms for us not to be in contact with our heart-centered intuition, and why there is so much information being sent forth presently to keep us out of our heart space.

Again With Validity…

Just because something exists in this world, and is experienced by other beings, does not mean we have to experience it ourselves. It also stands true that our experience isn’t the only possible option and we shouldn’t indoctrinate others to our way of thinking and experiencing the world.

All experience is valid, but we get to choose what we experience. I have been sharing this thought for a very long time, and it is one that irritates people on the spiritual path the most, but I will continue to share it because it is part of my mission and one of the deepest truths from my perception.

Both Push and Pull are Energetic Forces

When we push against the experiences of others, that are seemingly not in alignment with what we feel is of the light or right or good, and try to change their experiences to align with our own, we inhibit their free will choice path. We also inadvertently add our energy, through our resistance, to the continuation of rather dark things, in our efforts to create change.

Through fear, resistance, demand for change or inhibition of the free will path of others, we are just as readily feeding the situation as those activity participating in what offends our hearts.

When we see that energy flows where focus goes, and it is delivered equally to things we embrace and things we push away, I would ask what would you rather spend your time doing?

I would much rather bless the path of others with strength and courage to achieve that which they set out to do on this plane, and send loving energy to bring forth more of what brings my soul joy into my own space.

Getting Back to Energetic Sovereignty

With all that said, there are still many who are in fear about information or the actions of others, and that fear is a very real thing. Again, it is not for me to tell anyone else how to think and feel about a given situation, but to invite them, should they decide to choose another way, to knowing they are in charge of their own energy field and what can and cannot enter it.

We are, in our earthly incarnations, made up of flesh and bone, but we are also energy. Everything on this plane is made up of quantic particles which contain consciousness, coalescing into one form or another. The seemingly empty space between is also brimming with quanta that may be directed in service should we so choose.

So, basically, we exist within a big pot of energetic soup. A vast reservoir of that energy is undefined universal quanta, which when we connect to it gives us an unlimited source of energetic sustenance. This is our connection to Source, or All That Is.

We each represent a cohesion of energy that I will liken to a bubble, which is our sovereign energy field. Every single person has their own energy field, no exceptions, but many have not yet chosen to mark its parameters and boundaries.

Strong personal boundaries are easy to understand for most people. They know what they will accept in the behavior of others, but as we are not only physical and social, but energetic and spiritual, strong energy boundaries are also beneficial.

If we seek to own our own lives and our own paths, why not own our own energy?

I have often spoken of the self empowerment of claiming the divine sovereign energy space and setting strong boundaries and protection. It is rather an easy process to undertake, and the process can bring immense peace and feelings of being protected and cared for.

What Do You Permit?

In my world, nothing comes in without permission and that permission is set to route through my higher self, continually.

If something is not in my highest good, and in alignment with my sovereign path, it doesn’t get in.

Additionally, my field presents a message to the seeker, who is advised that interaction with my field will transmute the energy presented to the highest frequency and thus they must choose to interact through their free will choice, knowing full well what will occur should they choose to do so.

As we move into the new paradigm, these types of energetic constructs can be set to auto-pilot with no need for reaffirmation unless, or until, we choose to revise them, as we exist in the space of the now moment continually, and thus the construct is re-anchored in every sovereign moment.

At the end of the day, the most powerful mastery that I have ever encountered is the empowerment of self-responsibility and dominion over the personal energy field.

I have witnessed the path of beings who have carried dark energy with them for many lifetimes finally come to the point where they said NO. You are no longer welcome, you may no longer enter, your path is barred. The shift was immediate because in the energy world, permission is everything.

We may feel that we did not give permission for something, but we are far more than just this human life and perception. Many times the permissions are implied, have been made on our behalf through ritual/sacrament, or we have left our fields open on purpose.

Sometimes we do this because we are born empaths, and having an open field has served us in some fashion along the way.

With the increasing energies it is more and more difficult to remain open, because we are moving into alignment with divine will and principles, which inhibit commanding our will over the free-will path of others, and that includes dipping into their energy field.

Battening Down the Hatches

The energy of creative chaos, which is needed to fuel the shift, is also flying around in abundance in this now moment. This makes it exceedingly difficult to use the interpretive energy skills we may have relied on in the past.

Many feel that releasing these skills will relinquish some level of control over their path, but I personally feel invited into deeper levels of trusting the universe and knowing it will provide me with all the information I need for my path at exactly the right time.

When the time is right, I invite you to close those energetic doors that remain open for you to peek through, not only for the safety of our own sovereign energy, but for the sanctity of all others’ energy. Always remember that energy flows both ways, and if we maintain bad energetic manners and invade the space of others, this is another indirect invitation for them to enter our energy.

Licking the Bubble

We can absolutely maintain respectful energetic boundaries and still get a feel for a person or situation, without having to dive right in. I call this concept licking the bubble, which makes a lot of people either giggle or recoil, but it is what it is, my personal language.

As I said above, my energy field sends out information to others related to their interactions with me and I set that information purposefully. We all do this, though most do it unconsciously. Some liken this to a book jacket biography or an avatar on the computer, and it gives brief and succinct information about the energy of the being.

Permission to touch this energy is implied by all, just as looking at a face in the crowd is usually acceptable. It is only when we delve energetically, or stare rudely, that people get uncomfortable with our intrusions.

The Overwhelming Invitation of the Vacuum

Another instance where the energy field has distinct and obvious entry points is when the soul has created a vacuum through lack of self-love or extreme loss.

Sometimes, through guilt, shame, fear or profound loneliness, often imposed and triggered by society, a soul will be longing for energy and interaction.

They reject the love of self, due to the judgements layered on them by external forces, and look outside themselves for completion and energetic sustenance, as they do not feel worthy or capable of feeding and nurturing themselves.

This is sometimes done on a conscious level, but sometimes it isn’t. Energy is energy, it is neither positive nor negative, and thus, when deep longing for interaction is plastered all over a being’s energy field, this is implied permission and energy flows unimpeded into that vacuum.

Just as nature abhors a vacuum, so does energy.

The innate qualities of the energy that flows into this vacuum is thus not controlled by the being but by the energy that enters, thus power is absolutely given away.

When we fail to designate what is allowed to enter our energetic front door, but simply leave it wide open for whatever the cat chooses to drag in, we certainly take our chances to say the least.

Setting Sovereign Boundaries

When we put up the stop signs, declare our sovereignty and set the intentions for the type of energies we wish to encounter it will absolutely be so. This is a universal law, and it is enforced in all dimensions, though it is the most muddied in this one, as we are all practicing with the challenges and lessons of sovereignty. Yes, we all have this skill, and it will strengthen through use.

As beloved children of the Universe, the truth is we have all been blessed with the ability to command sovereignty in our own energy field.

A Word About Actions on Our Behalf

We have often been misled to believe that this is the realm of our spirit guides, guardian angels, incantations or even healers, but again I would ask who does this misdirection serve?

I have found through long observation that anything done in our name, for us or by anyone else will not stick, but will continue to invite us to take personal responsibility for our own divine field. I have seen this play out countless times over the years, and thus, I trust it as truth.

We are indeed all powerful within our individuated celestial and earthly realm, and the more we practice with this construct the more protected we will feel.

It is from this center of deeply trusted sovereign self-protection that our hearts can flower to the fullest and we become the most powerful blessing to this earth as we shine out our love liberally and fearlessly, inviting all to enjoy it according to their own free will choice.

Written for Gaia Scenics’ View

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© 2017 Alex Clark. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. Published May 21, 2017 at

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