heart, codependence, magnetism in relationships, demagnify, love, personal sovereignty, heart connection, soul connection, heart based, heart centered, personal development, personal growth, empowermentDe-magnetizing our relationships takes the ‘co-‘ out of co-dependence; it takes the ‘need’ or the energetic pull out of our interpersonal interactions.

How Do We De-Magnetize Our Relationships?

When I started writing about magnetized human relationships I also described these as “tractable or intractable” relationships. In the moment, this is how these relationships can feel when they are at their breaking point.

The good news is that the breaking point is also the place where we are willing to look within and change.

When we deeply realize the relationship is not working for us to the point that communication and interaction feels intractable, this is a sign that we are in a magnetized relationship and that we are personally ready to shift out of the magnetism, from within ourselves.

De-magnetizing is not about the other person, or about changing the other person’s behavior. It is about looking within and making new choices within ourselves.

What I found is that I de-magnetized my relationships by changing myself, and by making a commitment to acting out of heart alignment, rather than out of magnetizing influences.

How To Tell When Our Relationships Are Magnetized

When we de-magnetize our relationships we are neutralizing the unseen force that pulls us to another person. This person can be within our family of origin, within the family we have created, within working relationships, within our friendships. Magnetism can also be a key quality of relationships that are considered ‘twin flame’.

We can tell when our relationships are magnetized when the following feelings exist within us:

  1. We feel the other person has something that we feel we require at the most basic level for our survival.
  2. We feel the other person is doing something that triggers us in an unhealthy way at a very basic emotional level.
  3. We feel the other person is a part of us that we cannot do without.
  4. We feel addicted to our feelings when interacting with the other person.

Heart Alignment Takes Us Out of Magnetism

Acting out of what is within our own heart, and I mean first and foremost out of unconditional love for who we are at the most basic level, takes us out of the realm of magnetism in relationships.

In this way, heart alignment is akin to Soul connection, for me. Looking into our heart and seeing what is aligned, within asks us to step into our own personal sovereignty.

The shift can be shocking at first when those you previously interacted with do not feel the same magnetic effect when relating with you. This is an energetic exchange that they were used to and that became a habit.

You can personally choose to lovingly set down this energy exchange and renew the energies within you.

What I found is that making the choice to move to heart centered communication was a step by step, moment by moment process.

After years of research and application of the processes and tool sets I developed around heart centeredness, what I can tell you is that many of my relationships have shifted for the better.

Attitude Shifts That Support Heart Centered Relationships

  1. I view myself as a whole person, complete as I was created.
  2. I view the Source of my love and personal power as coming from within my own heart.
  3. I choose to align within with the inner divinity in my heart.
  4. I develop the discernment to know who and what actions are in alignment with my own heart.
  5.  I listen to my inner heart based guidance.
  6. I take actions in alignment with my inner guidance and out of love and consideration for myself.
  7. I know I am deserving and worthy of receiving my own love for myself, of my own time and attention.
  8. I spend time with my inner child, care for her, and play!

Some of my relationships that were not able to shift, dropped away. Some dropped away for a few years – until there was an ability to see I was serious and that I had changed the energy and intention I was coming from.

But, the reward is that I now experience relationships where there is true caring, and there is love for who I am authentically. And this love and caring is mutual. But it is also based in personal sovereignty.

This is the reward of being willing to love ourselves enough to step out of magnetism.

~ Susan V Lacerra



This article is reprinted from my website InspiredStrategies.com originally published July 17, 2015. This is now my learning website – come on over and check out courses on expanding consciousness, ascension, spirituality, quantum physics, sacred geometry, your galactic self, and more.

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© 2015-2020 Susan Lacerra. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. Check out the blog and more photographs at www.SusanLacerra.com.

Red flowers photograph free license from Unsplash.com by Milos Tonchevski.

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