guardian, heart, portal of the heart, guardian of the heart, love, soul, soul connection, vision, journeyFacing the Guardian is A Task That Requires us to Know Our Self

Some time ago, I was hiking and came upon a lovely spot and felt called to meditate.  I followed the energies of the trees up, up, up and away, moving out of the solar system and the galaxies, and to the edge of the universe, itself.

Beyond the edge of the universe was a fearsome and strikingly attractive being.  It was a warrior, a huge presence, armed to the hilt, weapon draw, and she was facing me.

I felt called to continue journeying beyond the universe to see where this path would take me.  But I understood that the guardian of the universe stood in the center of this pathway, and that I would have to measure up to her standard if I was to pass.

How Does One Prepare to Meet the Guardian?

If you’re a Trekkie like me, you might remember the Star Trek Next Generation episode, early in the series, in which First Officer Will Riker is confronted by the guardian of a planet, and stands firm, showing his true character. The guardian spares his life, and then assists him and the crew, because Will has earned the guardian’s respect by showing resolve and courage.

This story had introduced me to the concept of a guardian, and the idea of showing and standing in one’s heart as a mechanism of safety.

It was a similar message as the many, many biographies of pioneers of the American West that I read through my childhood.  Those respected, honorable and successful people who survived and thrived, trusted their inner instinct, honed their skills, and lived by self-reliance, and by group collaboration.

They knew themselves and trusted their inner knowing and strength of courage, or heart.

Facing the Guardian on My Journey

Returning to my travels in meditation, there I was, looking back to the universe, and then facing the guardian before me. I knew that I had come a long way.  I could turn back, and return to my place in the universe, or I could move forward.

To move forward, the guardian would have to allow me to pass, and there might be unexpected consequences of interacting with the woman before me.

But I was driven by an inner knowing that it was incredibly important for me to continue on my journey.

So, looking back at the universe, I made my choice and turned towards her.

I faced the guardian.

The Guardian Knew Me; But, Did I Know My Self?

The guardian appeared to be both masculine and feminine, with the overall impression of being a warrior woman.

I stood before her, presenting myself and my energy for her to review. I held myself with the knowing of who I am, with the intention of being fully transparent.

As if I had a choice in the matter.

Now I understand, that the guardian knew me before I ever stood before her.

She strongly and firmly asked me a question.  I answered her with my full understanding of the response and with my energy reflecting this knowing.  And then, she asked me another.

I do not remember the specific conversation.  I only remember the feel of the energy.  At times I carefully considered my answer, checking on my inner knowing.

And then, the guardian let me pass.

guardian, inner child, love, heart, portal, soul, peaceEntering the Portal

This guardian controlled the exit and entry into the universe that we live in.

To continue beyond the universe, one needed to enter the means to exit.  And this was a portal.

The guardian did not speak, but guided me through. What I found on the other side was personal, and surprising. I came to meet my greater being, my broader family.  I came to meet myself.

The guardian led me to them, because the guardian knew exactly who I was, and where I was supposed to go, when I proved myself ready.

What I have learned, in the process of writing this article, and feeling through all of the outcomes and experiences, is that I am the guardian of my own universe.

I am the guardian.

~ Susan V Lacerra


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Photograph free licenses from by Yousef Espanioly, Timothy Eberly.

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