Personal Energy Management - Energy Field - Susan V LacerraWhat Is Personal Energy Management?

Personal Energy Management, or Energy Field Management, is about becoming consciously aware, fully, of our human body and of our human energy field, which emanates from the heart frequencies, through the physical form.

And, I’d like to start with the concept that everything is made of energy – from our bodies, to the non-visible energy surrounding us, that emanates both from who we are, and from the electromagnetic functions and plasmic capabilities of our physical form.

Whoa, let’s look at this and slow down.  What I’m talking about is managing the energy that emits from our bodies, at a physical level, at an electro-magnetic level and at a plasma level.

And, let’s look at the full spectrum of energy we are talking about, because I am including our thoughts and emotions – these generate energy, also.

Electromagnetism is what is emitted by the body in it’s daily function.  High frequency plasmic energies are what is emitted from the heart when the portal of the heart is open.

Plasmic energies – this is basically what is behind the phrase, “shine your light”.  Our heart is able to generate a field of light that is a higher frequency than that of the physical body in inhabits – this is the flow of Source, of our essence, of our Soul, emitting from our being out into the universe.  This is the energy that defines us as “powerful creator beings”.

And, I believe, this is what Jesus meant when he said “all I have done, this you can do and more”.  He said this because, once we open the portal of the heart – our access to Source energies – “I Am the open door” – we activate the engine of creation, within, backed by the power of our divinity.  What he meant was, that each of us has the ability to open to the capabilities that he showed us.

The heart based frequencies are the spiritual energy that enlivens human beings – the energies of our Soul, or of spirit, flowing through us.  We can sense these energies, both in ourselves and in other people.  This energy is very high frequency and I don’t know if it is measurable – but as human beings, we can sense these energies in other people.

This is a key point in understanding Personal Energy Management:  we can control these forces that we are, and that emanate from our bodies.

How can we do this?  Because we are these energies.  Once we claim and affirm our personal dominion over ourselves and our energies (of the physical, of non-form, that we emanate, and that we receive), and we our declare our personal self-sovereignty as divine children of creation, living in human form, we gain the authority to live our lives through conscious action.

And this includes the conscious action of setting the parameters of what we will allow in our energy field, and the energy of our physical bodies.

We simply expand our consciousness to understanding how this is possible, and it can be done.  I will be writing more about this in upcoming articles, but here is the scientific basis for this assertion:  Quantum physics experiments have shown that the observer influences the experiment, and determines the outcomes.

Thus, at a quantum level, we have the opportunity and the ability to create and influence our world, even at the level of our bodies, and in living our lives.

~ Susan V Lacerra

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