Schumann, Schumann Resonance, Frequency, Quantum Physics, Human Energy Field, Spiritual, Intuitive, spiritual, consciousness, Schumann Resonance Today, New Moon August 2020

There were several people commenting over the videos INCOMING WAVES PART 1 and INCOMING WAVES PART 2 (the waves of light after the 8-8 Gateway, or Lion’s Gate) that they had physical symptoms, ear ringing, falling, going to the hospital, remembering past times of challenging trauma.

Schumann Energies – Integrating, Releasing, Preparing for the New Moon August 2020

The energies of the chart above is the period of rest we need – that we require to adjust to the intense energies. I do feel that our bodies are energetically shifting, and this creates effects in our physical experience. Certainly see a doctor and attend to yourself medically, as you require. 

Energetically speaking, rest and acceptance of WHAT IS, and sending your own Love to yourself, and/or allowing yourself to RECEIVE from the Divine, from the Angels and so on, is so important in this shifting process. Don’t forget to set your intentions – at the New Moon – for what you wish to create that elevates THE BEST OF YOU, the best you have to offer your own self. 

If it’s all too much energetically, simply know this and acknowledge and ask anyway trusting that you will be supported – this is what FAITH is, this is what TRUST in the Divine represents in our lives. If you need a physical sign, ask for it in your prayer and communion with the Divine. If the mind comes in with intensity as it often does when we are stressed out, you can allow yourself to wait before making key decisions for your life.

It’s always easier to align with God’s path for you – with your Soul path and purpose, when you are reconnected. In the meantime, know the highest good will transpire in your highest outcomes – because you ask the Creator for this to be so. It’s that simple.

Blessings to all in these challenging times that are also ripe with opportunities.



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© 2020 Susan Lacerra. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted, in part or in whole, without alteration and with the author’s credit and live website link included in the article. This article was first published on ___ __, 2020 at  

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