
The Integration of Worlds

I have been hearing a lot again about the energies and the separation of worlds. I have come to a new place on this:

I don’t see a separation of worlds coming, anymore. I see an integration of my own world.

I exist in a universe where energy is always in motion and always exists – thus energetically technically everything overlaps with everything else, whether I think I am separate from it or not.

Once I claimed my own space and took back the focus of my energy from outside of myself (one world) to inside of myself (another world), I started to return to wholeness, within.

This is the ‘separation of worlds’ I am experiencing, lol. And in this activity, it is the return to the self and the integration of the self.

It been a long time coming.

Good guys versus bad guys? 5D versus 3D?

In my view, the separation of worlds is not about the good guys versus the bad guys. It is not about separating ‘lower frequency’ from ‘higher frequency’. It is not about separating ‘those that can’t’ and ‘those that won’t’ from ‘those that can’ and ‘those that will’. It is not about separating the ‘laggards’ from the ‘loving souls’.  It is not about separating 5D from 3D or 4D, either.

It is not about separation, per se, any more at all. I feel that this was a way of understanding that was like using training wheels until we could get to a greater understanding.

Integrating Ascension and Descension

Separation of worlds is a concept of duality… thus how can it be used to achieve a fifth dimensional state of unconditional loving wholeness? How is this then the path to ascension? Oops…. forgot the other half!!!!

That is: Descension into the human body. Descension of higher energies into my physical form. Descension of love into all of my cells. Descension of my higher self into my awareness.

Integration of all of the above is how I define ascension. Thus I exist in my human body in all these dimensions at the same time: third dimension, fourth dimension, fifth dimension, higher dimensions.

The difference between who I was BA before ascension and who I was AA after ascension is that I am cleaned up, sorted, organized, aware, conscious, fully functioning, loving towards myself, and so on.

What is also different is that I can now achieve a 5D (fifth dimensional) state of love and wholeness over long periods that I could not hold for very long before, because of the personal growth work and self love that is a part of the ascension and descension process.

I have touched and healed my emotional states, my mental states, and so on and so on. I still feel emotions, I have thoughts about things. But I allow myself to be with these, to unconditionally love myself, and to let them go or to act as I am guided, within, in co-creation with my inner spark of divinity, my Soul. Some days I have training wheels on, and some days I am expertly ‘skiing the moguls’.

Ending the Separation, and Being an Empowered Human

No one outside myself matters! It is all an inside game. And it is a game of pulling all of my energies, attention, focus, and awareness into the primary vehicle for spirituality on this planet: My Human Self!

The integration of the ying yang, into a swirling sparkling colorful sphere of wholeness… integration of the toriodal energies of my energy field at all frequencies and dimensions with who I am Now in this physical form… this is my integrated multidimensional self in human form.

I exist in all the dimensions available to myself as an empowered human, including the third dimension and the fourth dimension and the fifth dimension, all at once.

I am within and awake and aware, here, with my consciousness as the master of awareness. With my body as the master of my physical form. With my heart as the master of emotions. With my multidimensional mind as the master of my thoughts and creations. With my energy and body grounded into Earth – Gaia and my Soul in every moment on my path of perfect alignment with my Soul path and the highest vibrational match with Gaia’s incarnation Now.

From Separation to Reclaimation

The separation if there is any is separating my nose from others’ business… and energies.

The focus I have now is on integration. I do not reject what is ‘lower’ than me… within myself. I love this part of me within and integrate it. Sometimes it transmutes to a higher frequency. Sometimes it simply ‘cleans up’ from all the emotional and thought dramas and traumas placed on it… and then it remains it’s pure aspect, within me.

This is me, it is another part of myself that when I love this part unconditionally, becomes integrated back in.

This is me now. I am integrating all that I am. This is my separation from others’ worlds and my integration of my own self. This is me re-claiming and re-creating myself as an empowered human being, existing in all of the dimensions available to me in this Now moment from within my human self.

~ Susan V Lacerra

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