fire, California fires, angels, prayer, healing, intentions, zero point, energy work, love, divine will, inspiration, motivation, spiritual, spirituality, empath

I was reading a friend’s article about gratitude today, with tears streaming because I know she lives these practices and embodies them fully. It’s a beautiful thing, and I love that there’s a person I know who really gets gratitude, embodies the emotions and thinking, and lives with gratitude as a daily practice in her life. 

I was sitting wishing that I was a bit better at embodying gratitude. And then, I realized that this is her special gift she shares with the world, that she teaches through living this herself.  

This got me thinking about what I live and embody that I am grateful for in myself. And I thought I’d share a story of a private practice that I do that I’ve only talked about out loud recently. 

Shining Light and Sending Angels

Like many of the prayer, meditation and energy practices that I do, this practice started because I wanted to help, but I didn’t know how, and I wanted to be a benefit in people’s lives that were in crisis and trauma. 

Many times these were situations I read about or heard about. Sometimes they were distant events playing out on the world stage, and sometimes they were people near to me that I couldn’t connect with for one reason or another.

That meant inventing a way to be helpful that would reach people without physically being present. This practice also works with anyone you can’t actually talk to or physically be with, for whatever reason. It works just as well if the person is in another part of the country or in your own household.

What I do when there is a crisis or event I want to participate in, is go onto Twitter, where people will usually be posting in the moment updates on what is going on. I will then pray with and for that person.

When my mom called me and mentioned there was a new fire in the region, I immediately went onto social media and knew right away from the reports that it was going to be another terrible disaster. People were trapped and could not get out.

I was discussing what energy techniques to use, and a friend made a suggestion to use California lighthouses, after the images of our lighthouses here on the coast came to her mind strongly. I realized when she said this that people needed a way out that was lighted up for them.

Shining Light

Working with Archangel Michael, I asked, in the highest good of all, that all lighthouses on the Pacific coast of California be energetically attached to the warm and loving heart of the Earth below, and the life-giving light of the Sun above. 

Powered with Divine energy in this way, I asked that thousands of beams of Divine light be sent from these lighthouses in energy, to every single individual that needed this support, in whatever way was in highest good for that specific person. 

Sending Angels

Each beam of light connecting with each person carried the support and love of an angel being with them, guiding them.

Whether it was to help them see their way through the fire, or to assist those perishing in the fire with finding the Light of God and an angel present to guide them, or to bolster their inner reserve with supporting and loving energy, whatever each person needed would flow to them with prayerful and loving intention.  

Being a Loving a Constant Presence

Hours passed and the fire burned through the town of Paradise in Northern California, and then a second terrible fire started down south in Malibu. 

Watching video after video of drivers going through fire, of images of flames and destruction, I would ask that people in these cars and in surrounding cars be supported at the heart level, that angels be present in the way that worked best for them, and that the way be lighted for them.

Asking for what is in the highest good, and for what resonates with that individual, qualifies the energy and respects the individual sovereignty and free will choices of each human being.

Heart Light Techniques

Many prayers are said with words. But the technique that I use is more about being in the flow of Divine energy and knowing that the Divine is a constant presence for the person being sent the prayers, to the extent they will allow themselves to receive this love.

Embodying the energies yourself is that much more impactful. It’s the difference between just saying words, and really feeling it. This means putting your whole self behind the energies, but not by using human power or your body’s energies.

Holding the intentions in your heart space and allowing the energies to flow forward, moved by the Divine within you, allows miracles to happen. After all, Jesus said: “This you will do and more”. To do this means intentionally aligning our will with Divine will through our intention, then following the higher promptings from within.

Setting Intention and Creating from ‘Zero Point’

This state is what I call ‘zero point’, or the heart center. It’s what it truly means to live from the heart, to discern from within your heart’s energies. In my view discernment truly means: Does this situation/person/action/event truly align with Divine will expressed in perfection through me? 

In other words, does this situation/person/action/event align with my path as a Soul incarnate human being, and is it in the highest good for me?

Maybe call it the point where heaven and earth meet, within, the point at the connection with our Soul where our guardian angel and Higher Self originate from and where their guidance is most clearly heard and most perfectly aligned.

That Was the Angels

A few days after the fires, I was watching a television interview of a man who stayed with his elderly parent, dousing the house with water as the fire approached. 

A fire storm began to come over him and his son, so they lay on the ground, outside the house, pouring water over themselves and watching the rush of flames when suddenly a fire tornado whipped up besides their property and the winds shifted abruptly, taking the fire away from his family and his home, in a rush of energy carrying the flames away. 

As he looked at the reporter and the camera, he shouted out “and that was the angels!”  

Miracles Happen, Right Here, Right Now

Miracles happen. We have Divine support. Some of us call on Angels for love and support daily. And sometimes it takes a complete disaster before we call on Angels and the Divine, accept that we deserve their protection and love, and allow their assistance in our lives.  I’ve been there, also.

Hearing this man’s experience was another confirmation for me that energy work and prayers do manifest into our real world reality, saving lives in so many ways, giving us inspiration, and creating physical experiences of Divine love and support in our lives. 

I know there are many others that do this same practice of shining light and sending angels. During those fires there were probably thousands or millions of people saying silent intentions for those involved, on the ground.

Inspired Action

A few years ago I met an older friend, one of those people you sync with automatically because you get each other. We met at a spiritual conference and kept in touch until he passed away. 

He also embodied this practice of inspired spiritual action. Among other events, he focused his activities on the trauma of World War II.  As an Austrian, he was intimately linked by family and lineage to the activities on the ground.

This friend would spend hours going through images and photographs of people during World War II, sending his spirit to be with them, sending them love, shining the light for them, and sending angels.

Energy and Love Heal the Timelines

Prayer and energy inspired through Divine will are timeless and eternal. These thoughts and emotions don’t have to be done in the moment the events occurred. God and the Angels get the energy there, and this changes people’s lives, whether the request is done in the moment or a hundreds years in the future.

It’s my view that such practices also generate healing backwards in time, effectively changing the timelines, and promoting healing of our world. It’s my view that we can use love and ask for assistance from the Divine and the angels, to heal our personal timelines using the exact same techniques and strategies.

Our world improves and we don’t know exactly why, but things are getting better. I mean on the ground, the personal experience, not the illusions generated by media for our society.

We can heal ourselves and our world, one thought and intention, one prayer, one light shined and one angel at a time.

Love, Susan


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