Ascension, Awakening, empowerment, geomagnetic storms, conscious choices, consciousness, human empowerment, inspiration, meditation, Schumann Resonance Frequencies, Schumann Resonance Amplitude, Schumann Resonance Q Values, sky, geomagnetic storms, solar data, solar flares, Spiritual, sun, the energies, Energy Work, SolarisModalis, Solaris Modalis, spiritual
We recently saw images of true justice, swords and crosses, manifest as images in the data sets of the Schumann Resonances. These were images of physical world objects – representations of physical swords that started small, and over a total of three images, grow larger and larger.

These swords or crosses then shifted into a purer energy of amplified frequency and light, showing in the data as a sword of light. I called this Archangel Michael’s sword. This archangel, also known as Saint Michael, represents divine will, protection, security and brotherly love.

sun, the energies, TESIS, the Schumann Resonances

The Schumann Resonances by TESIS Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun. Time zone is UTC +7 hours.

Amazingly, the next image in the data for the Schumann Resonances was a shield. In my view, the sword and shield of Archangel Michael are shown broadly manifested into human consciousness.

sun, the energies, TESIS, the Schumann Resonances

The Schumann Resonances by TESIS Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun. Time zone is UTC +7 hours.

sun, the energies, TESIS, the Schumann Resonances

The Schumann Resonances by TESIS Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun. Time zone is UTC +7 hours.

Let’s look behind the chart for a moment at the underlying data, to see how this shield came about in the final image.

For the quality chart, what you can see is that the qualities of the other three resonances flatlined while the quality of the fourth mode of the resonance (Q4 or the green line on the chart) continued the typically spikes pattern it has had for some time now (see the discussion of this trend here). This occurred after a burst in the Q values the day before. The expansion of Q values the previous day shows a clarifying of those frequencies before they pulled back, creating the shield effect in the graphic data pattern above.

sun, the energies, TESIS, Schumann Resonance Q Values

The Schumann Resonances by TESIS Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun. Time zone is UTC +7 hours.

For the amplitude chart, you can again see that the amplitudes of three of the resonances ‘flatlined’ relative to the fourth mode of the resonances (A4 or the green line). This compares with the previous day when amplitudes rose significantly for all of the resonances. The rise in amplitudes the previous day shows a strengthening of the energy of the resonance frequencies prior to the creating the shield effect in the graphic data pattern on the following day.

Both the amplitudes and qualities are a part of the creation of the resonances chart at the top of this page.

sun, the energies, TESIS, Schumann Resonance Amplitudes

The Schumann Resonances by TESIS Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun. Time zone is UTC +7 hours.

How Does a Shield Work?

You’ve got to know what you are protecting and why before you raise your shield. The knowing of one’s inner resolve underlies the strength and fortitude of a warrior. But focus and determination are nothing without having something to protect and to shield.

What is the Holy Grail? Everlasting life? Our Divine Mother? Our own connection with our own Soul?

Having found the essence of what we care about down to our bones, through the clarifying energies of the sword and cross, morphing into the sword of light, we raise our shield to protect that which we love.

This is what true justice is about after all, isn’t it? We honor and protect that which represents the best of us, our values encoded in the law, so that we can live in harmony and balance, together.

What is Divine Justice? I’d say it is the rectifying of creation, intention and action with Divine Will. As human beings, we can connect within and empower ourselves through our own connection with our Souls  We are a part of this grand play of Creation and we are divinely incarnate.

These energies help us to remember that this is so. Choosing alignment with Divine Will expressed through each one of us, and choosing alignment with our own Soul path, is our birthright as divinely incarnated human beings and children of the Creator.

~ Susan V. Lacerra


Notes and Resource Links:

The source of all solar data charts used in this article are is the TESIS Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun at

Times on all charts from TESIS are UTC +7 hours.


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