It’s my view that the Schumann Resonance is reflective of human consciousness. While definitions of the Resonance will explain that it is caused by planetary lightning storms, the fact is that there are seven billion electromagnetic beings on this planet; human beings to be exact. Each one of us is an EM field generator, through the mechanism of the human heart.

It’s these energetic trends that in my view reflect human and planetary consciousness that I’ll be discussing here. While I’ve written other articles on solar data that address the energies of the data and the potential for effect on the human energy field, the last two to three weeks have been stunning in that what I’m seeing is a story of the energies, played out in images in the data.

True Justice is Coming

Over the last two to three weeks, some interesting themes have been energetically represented in the solar data. My last article, True Justice is Coming, showed the beginning of this round of themes. Amazingly, I saw swords or crosses in the data, coinciding with the finding of an ancient sword in Sweden, commentary from Magenta Pixie about Excalibur, and the confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court in the United States. From the article:

My friends, true justice is coming; true justice manifested and in alignment with Divine law, in alignment with the promotion and embodiment of Christed consciousness within human beings.

sun, the energies, TESIS, the Schumann Resonances, excalibur, sword, cross

The Schumann Resonances by TESIS Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun. Time zone is UTC +7 hours.

The Sword of Light

The concept of the sword and cross expanded in the visual representation of the data to a sword of light, a shield, clear boundaries (i.e., a wall), and an influx of incredible higher frequency light. The sword of light is Archangel Michael’s sword, by which he executes divine will in a way that is unconditionally loving.

From the Schumann Resonance data October 14-15 2018 (October 15-16 2018 California time):

The Schumann Resonances by TESIS Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun. Time zone is UTC +7 hours.

With graphics and discussion of the visuals:

The Schumann Resonances by TESIS Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun. Time zone is UTC +7 hours.

Here’s a link to the article Red October, published during this same time period, about Archangel Michael and the pursuit of divine justice. From the article:

Love heals all. Passion fueled by Soul’s purpose carries the day.

There’s something else I want to say about the spiritual unfolding that we are engaged in presently, because in my view, energy is behind everything expressed in the physical world.

Love and light are literally destructive to the forces of darkness. Angels can be strong. After all, Archangel Michael used his sword to slay the evil dragon. In the physical world we view his sword as an object of metal wielded with strength and skill.

Ultimately, his sword is a sword of love and light. He slays those enemies of Life itself with such incredible and intense Love that their Soul or spirit is freed to follow the Light, if this is of their choosing.

~ from

Usually how awakening works, is that we first see what is outside of ourselves. We then apply this awakening inwardly. Yes love and light break the energetic bonds of darkness. But they also break those bonds and bindings within the shadow side of our own personality.

Thus, a time such as this is an incredible opportunity for our personal growth process. Breaking the bonds of density creates chaos, so tumult and challenges may come. How do we sort through? By focusing on the essence frequency within our own self, of one’s own Soul.

This is what the sword of light is able to do: Shift us within ourselves so that we may properly align with our own true Self, and with our own Soul. If we choose this, we may more deeply embody that which we are spiritually at this time in our very cells, in the smallest particles of the energy of the unique frequency that you are.

This is the Descension Aspect of Ascension

This is the big step up, the embodiment of our Higher Self into the human form. Everything upticks, everything rises. Our human body and energy field are elevated as we shift up frequency. And, our Higher Self then takes on a higher frequency essence, a purer and higher dimensional embodying of our Soul. It’s my view that the Higher Self is the ‘incarnation’ of the Soul or the representative of the Soul that guides us if we as human beings choose this.

~ Susan V. Lacerra


Notes and Resource Links:

The source of all solar data charts used in this article are is the TESIS Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun at

Times on all charts from TESIS are UTC +7 hours.


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