Discernment, truth telling

This article on 9-11 Truth Telling is dear to me because it tells precious stories of the experience from those who lived through 9-11. I am grateful and honored to have received these stories and to share them here.

9-11 Truth Telling; We Can Know the Truth and Survive it’s Implications

Okay, I’m going to say it.  Dang, it has been a tough few weeks.

The 9-11 anniversary really topped it off.

For me, what topped things off is the new round of evidence, videos, recordings and analysis about the Twin Towers bombing.  Is it time that we called it that?

How the Mind Works

When the mind receives information, it quickly puts it into a perspective that best fits the survival of the individual.  Whatever will serve me best, is how my mind interprets.

My mind knows the boxes, my mind knows what is acceptable, my mind knows the parameters that keep me secure, and my mind serves to protect me from stepping outside of those parameters.

The Mind Serves and Protects 

View information, hear information, think about information, talk with others about information, that steps outside those parameters of safety – acceptance by society being safety – fitting in with everyone else’s opinions being safety – and the mind screams “Stop”.

Our Emotions Comply

The emotional body complies and produces fear.  Opposing thoughts cross each other – it happened this way – it happened that way – and anxiety is produced from the electric short circuiting going on in our bodies and minds.

However, through awakening and raising our consciousness, we are able to quiet the mind, to still the mind’s chatter, and simply, let the truth be okay.

The Painful Memories

My dear friend has been having her own awakening regarding 9-11.  Her family was there that day, smack in the heart of things.  It has been difficult to speak about that day with pretty much anyone.  Who could understand?

On a deeply feeling, personal level, the memories and pain is ingrained as something lived through, and still cried over.

This is a family whose child’s school lost 22 parents that day; lost 28 members of their church; lost hundreds from their town.  This is one of the the ones who waited as friends and family walked out of the city.

I tried to put myself in her shoes, or in her child’s shoes at that moment, back then, and knew I could not fully understand the range of emotions, the depth of feelings.

The Questioning Has Been Painful

The questioning by so many of the original story put on that day, on 9-11, has been particularly painful.  The implications that so much pain could have been caused by those we trusted is too much to bear.

The notion that all that we knew, at that time, to be firm and steady in our lives, was nothing but shifting quicksand, is too much for some to bear.

My friend says it is important not to force those who experienced these things to “look at the truth” until they are ready:

“It is more terrible and hurtful than can be known and picks apart at the foundation of their healing — they will look when ready — maybe never…  to find the truth and speak the truth to those who are ready is enough.”

Remembering How We Were

It is hard to understand now – but the day before September 11, things seemed good.  Do you remember that this nation had a budget surplus?  As a nation without the  financial entanglements of deficit, there was great hope over what we might do with our wealth and prosperity.

And we are over $20 trillion in debt as a nation now, 16 years of war later.

We were a nation that trusted it’s infrastructure, generally trusted that we did good in the world, trusted that those who lead us would not be involved in heinous acts, trusted that our nation always represented a force for good in the world.

The fortunes of our people and the lives of our people and those around the world have been spent at will by those of dubious intention.

What Leads to Awakening – the Nagging “What If”?

After awhile, you hear something, you see something, that makes you wonder.  And you start to explore that nagging question in the back of your mind – what if?

What if the original story is incorrect?  What if the people saying there is evidence actually have evidence?

And you start to look at the video.

If you have already done this, then you know what you saw – specific circumstances that did not seem right – a security officer in a yellow hazmat covering making sure no one “went downstairs” into building 7 before it fell – a man in a black suit suggesting the possibility that this may be “an enemy from within” (at 7:00 minutes) – lots of people who witnessed explosions, lots of sounds of actual explosions – videos of puffs of smoke (from explosions) moving down the towers and building 7 as they fell – a former NIST employee stating the only way that the 911 report could have come out as it did is with coercion of the scientists involved, a video shot by a firemen videographer showing an object with no wings hitting the tower, the ball that showed up in video footage. (This last one was a scientific analysis of helicopter video of an object hitting the twin towers on 9-11 that has since been removed).

When you are ready, watch the videos.

Use your inner discernment – listen to your inner voice, guiding you to that which aligns for you, pointing the way to awaken you to what is the truest truth for you.

How Awakening Leads to Healing

Every year around this time, I watch the videos, and I see more evidence, I see more scientists explaining the physics of things, I accept more and more what the truth could be.

And I cry.  I cry for the people at the site, I cry for myself, I cry for our country, I cry for many more reasons than this.  And I feel the light within myself, and I intend that the Light shines through this entire experience, for myself, and for all.

Perhaps it’s the time that heals.  And then, the invitation to anger upon awakening.  That something is not right. That some truth has not been said.

That anger gives us the strength and the power to speak up.  That anger burns us up inside if it festers or is misused.

The Essence of Things, Returning

We are resilient people; we are resilient and we are strong, and we rally, together.

What are the energy trends this September, on a personal level?  I’d say that we are receiving the essence of who we are, descending in to our being.

We are awakening and becoming more conscious beings, in general, as a whole.  What I feel is that we are receiving the essence of who we are, more deeply into our beings, spiritually and energetically.

We Can Know the Truth and Survive it’s Implications

As we come into closer alignment with the truth of who we really are, our minds feel stronger and more open to truths that would have previously scared us; our minds can handle truths that would have torn us apart before – now, instead, we can unite around our shared principles.

We may not understand why, but we can love, we can have compassion for ourselves and each other, we can forgive, and we can emerge, stronger.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”  ~ Declaration of Independence

This is the essence of spirit that the founders of this country dreamed for us.  Let’s look within to see if this is who we really are as a nation, and if it is not, how do we re-align with these founding principles?

This is where there are answers.

We’ve Got This – We Strengthen Ourselves Spiritually

As we awaken to the essence of who we really are, inside, we can accept the truth of what has happened, outside of us.  And the outer world will reflect truer truths.

This is the case for many things – it is the case for personal truths in our lives that have been too painful to discover; and it is the case for truths about what the American people have endured on 9-11, and since then.

The outer reflects the inner.  The last 16 years have been a doozy of truth-telling, and a revealing of where our systems and those we thought were leaders fail us, of where there is possibility and opportunity to recover as a nation and as people.

We Can Handle the Truth, And We Can Lead Ourselves

The rugged individualist has been an American icon of the people for two centuries. And, returning to our foundations of rugged individualism – leading from within, while working together in common community, is the truth of who we are as a nation.

It was a regular guy, a single, rugged individualist who got the trains running again, that day of 9-11, 2001, out of Atlantic terminal in Brooklyn.  The people leaving New York City all left on foot that day – there were no buses, no trains – thousands walked over the Manhattan Bridge and many then walked another 5 miles to the Atlantic terminal.

One simple, unknown man looked at the conductor and asked why the trains hadn’t departed the station, as hundreds or thousands of people waited, not knowing what would happen next, trying to get out of town.

The conductor looked at him and said – “We are waiting for word from upstairs and none is coming.”  The man, an every day sort of guy, looked the conductor straight in the eyes and said – “Do you really need upstairs to tell you what is the right thing to do, right now?”

The conductor looked at him straight on.  And then he drove the train out of the station.

This is how people started getting out, en masse, by train that day.  One simple man trusting the Light within, and communicating that Light with another human being who could understand, and both, choosing action; choosing to do the right thing.

It is how we will heal our country – leading from within, on the community level, working together, spiritually guided within, in the highest good of all.

~ Susan V Lacerra

Original link: Susan Lacerra


See Also These Articles on 9-11:





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© 2017-2020 Susan V. Lacerra. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted, either in part or in its entirety without alteration, and with the accompanying photos, author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. First published on September 18, 2017.  

Photo from Unsplash by Peter Miranda.


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