The song of my Soul in life and love, grounded in quantum physics principles, poured through the sieve of Soul connection in the heart.
The song of my Soul pours out speaking stories and observations of physics and soul, life and love. All observations are grounded in quantum physics principles, all stories sing my Soul’s song of the lived experience of the Human heart.
The energy of the Soul pours through the Human Being. Learning to enhance this connection with Soul, learning how to manage one’s Human energy and precious life force, are key factors in living a healthy and whole human life.
If we can feel, see and experience our Soul as an integral part of the Human Energy Field, generating the life force of the body, and learn and understand how this energy expresses in our day to day lived experience, we can gain a greater knowledge of our own Self, greater control over our personal expression, enhanced command over our day to day life, and increased personal satisfaction, meaning and happiness.
We can learn to love again, and we can live meaningful and empowered lives.