Faith, Ascension, Heart, Self Love, Transformation, Shadow Personality

Inspired Energy –

Dear Friends,

This post is a copy of an insightful comment on recent video; in it I discuss how the shadow side of our personality becomes visible to us, usually through experiencing a challenging journey that leaves us with spiritual understandings.

Walking through the fire of these experiences, we can come to know transparently our own shadow aspects and ‘claim’ these as our own, integrating the Soul essence within them as the rest burns to dust, energetically. The presents us with the opportunity to then make the conscious choice of if and when we use the toolsets gained through adversity and chaos, in our Highest Good in alignment with Divine Will as it flows through us.

Andrea Scully posted this wonderful comment about the video content. It was so additive, that I asked her if it could be posted as it’s own article on the blog, and she graciously agreed. Her reminder too, of the Bible story of the three men thrown into the fire, who survived unscathed through faith, really inspired me. ~ Susan

Link to the Video: Schumann Resonance Current Energy Trends, New Moon September 2020, to Full Moon October 2020: Walk Through the Shadowlands


Faith Gets Us Through the Fire Unharmed, by Andrea Scully

I love it that you riff on the conscious choice aspect, which we know from experience, only becomes possible when we bring our attention, our perceptions and our inherent divinity into our wholeness that only happens with the process of reintegrating with our ‘shadow’ selves. This sacred process is, indeed, very Plutonian in nature, since the Pluto archetype is all about the role of being the ‘Lord of Death and Resurrection’.

The process of this is intense in nature, pressurizing everything until this pressure is applied enough to be the catalyst that changes the very structure and nature of whatever it is in the presence of. Nothing escapes this when Pluto is present. The action is ruthless and without any apologies or excuses. It cuts down all that is not vital and alive, in and of itself, and completely revitalizes what has the vital integrity inherent in itself to LIVE. It reduces everything to dust and ashes to reveal the truest essence of what it is. We see this archetypical action all around us right now.

It’s easy to lose focus in this sacred and divine crucible. To say it may not feeeel good is a gross understatement. The experience here is one that makes it clear that Death is present and is stalking what needs to die. The gift in this is that there are clear choices that appear. Stupid bullshit at these divine moments become the same as wearing cement shoes to go swimming. But it isn’t ”personal’, per se. The blessings appear when we can appreciate that the essence is now revealed as to what we are and what we are experiencing.

I encourage everyone to be good to ourselves and others. We are traumatized and brainwashed and mesmerized for so long, on so many levels, that the shocking realities revealed now are going to take us where we have not been before. Not ever. Clinging to what is dying is the worse idea right now I can imagine. We are none of this in our essence. If we can cling to only this truth, we make it through this magical and miraculous time renewed.

The feet to the fire you mention, reminds me of the Bible story in which some people of faith and integrity are put into a fire to destroy them. Their faith protects them from the fire and the attempts to do them in are abandoned because of this. Chapter 3 of Daniel tells the story. 3 men go in and the observers see 4 men in the center of the fire. The whole incident comes to pass because these men refuse to worship the golden image the king created in Babylon. I find this image coming forth out of my memory to be significant for these times. I leave it up to everyone to suss that out for themselves. I would suggest this highlights the fact that faith is an essential (essence) factor required to come through the ‘flames’ unharmed. The verses say ‘not a hair on their heads’ were harmed. We live in a time of miracles and wonder. Soooo many blessings come from all this grinding.

Andrea Scully

Find Andrea at her blogs  Notes From the Center of the Spiral and Gaia Scenics View; A Divine Space of Love.


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Introduction © 2020 by Susan Lacerra. Article © 2020 by  Andrea Scully. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted, in part or in whole, without alteration and with the author’s credit and live website link included. This article was first published on September 26, 2020 at  

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Featured image Woman with Heart from Pixabay by Ami.

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