Shining Love and Sending Angels
I was reading a friend’s article about gratitude today, with tears streaming because I know she lives these practices and [...]
I was reading a friend’s article about gratitude today, with tears streaming because I know she lives these practices and [...]
One day a DREAM gave me a darn good reason to want to change. For years I fondly held the [...]
I look at the sun, and remember my inner light. I remember my desire to follow my inner guidance, and [...]
Awakening to the True Status of My Life, and Awakening to Love I could not feel love in my heart [...]
True Heart Connection, Within Our Self When we have made the commitment to align with heart based actions and intentions, [...]
De-magnetizing our relationships begins with making heart centered choices out of personal and energetic sovereignty. This is very different than [...]
De-magnetizing our relationships takes the 'co-' out of co-dependence; it takes the 'need' or the energetic pull out of our [...]
Living my Awakening: Choosing Actions Motivated by Love This week, I deeply desired to know what was behind this feeling [...]
The Integration of Worlds I have been hearing a lot again about the energies and the separation of worlds. I [...]
The Personal Pole Shift Have any of you also been wondering what the heck is going on?? Lol. The energies [...]